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Sperm Donation

Choose the right genetics for your child
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What is a sperm bank?

What is Sperm Donation?

It is the process of donating sperm to help couples or individuals who cannot have children. This method is frequently preferred by individuals who are considering becoming a single parent and LGBTI+ communities. It is achieved through various assisted reproductive technologies such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization techniques. It offers individuals with limited reproductive ability the opportunity to have children. Donors are screened for genetic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and general health status. The sperm donation process can be carried out through anonymous donors. This is subject to various legal and ethical regulations regarding the use, storage and distribution of donated sperm. This process has an important role in reproductive technologies. It makes a big difference on a social and individual level by contributing to many people's dreams of starting a family. Donor sperm must meet high standards in terms of embryo quality and genetic health. This increases the success of the process and ensures the safety of the recipient couples or individuals.

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Sperm Donation Services

Who is Sperm Donation Recommended for?

  • It offers an option for couples or individuals who cannot have biological children for various reasons. It is recommended for people who are at risk of transmitting genetic diseases.
  • It could also be a solution for women and lesbian couples who prefer to be single parents.
  • In some men, conditions such as azoospermia (lack of sperm) may be observed. In these cases, the use of donor sperm may be necessary.
  • If the man has a genetically transmitted disease, it may be recommended to prevent it from being passed on to the child.
  • It may not be possible for men with problems in their reproductive organs to have children.
  • As age progresses, sperm quality and motility may decrease. In this case, sperm donation may be an alternative for older people who are considering having children.

How to Choose for Sperm Transfer?

  • Choosing the right sperm donor is extremely important in terms of both health and ethics. This selection process aims for couples or individuals to find the donor with the most suitable genetic characteristics for them.
  • The donor undergoes extensive health screenings. These screenings are performed for sexually transmitted diseases, genetic diseases and chronic health problems.
  • The physical characteristics of the donor are selected in accordance with the genetic characteristics or preferences of the recipients, such as weight, hair color, eye color and blood type.
  • The identity of the donor is kept confidential and recipients can only learn health, physical and some personal information about the donor.
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How is Sperm Donation Done?

  • Potential donors apply to fertility centers or sperm banks.
  • Comprehensive health screenings are performed.
  • Donors are evaluated about the psychological effects of donation and are made to feel comfortable in the process.
  • Contracts are made regarding legal obligations and the rights and responsibilities of the donor.
  • The donor provides the sperm sample in specially designed rooms at the sperm bank.
  • The collected sperm is processed to make it suitable for use.
  • Sperm is stored frozen in liquid nitrogen tanks for future use.
  • The recipient or recipient couple selects a suitable donor from donor databases.
  • The selected donor sperm is placed directly into the recipient woman's uterus either through IUI or IVF methods.
  • The entire process is carried out in accordance with local laws and international regulations.
  • The compliance of the process with ethical standards is evaluated by the relevant ethics committees.

Frequently asked Questions

How is sperm donation done?

Sperm donation is done through sperm banks or fertility centres. Donors undergo health screenings and sperm samples are stored appropriately in a laboratory environment. These samples can be stored frozen for use when needed.

Can I be a sperm donor?

It is not possible to donate sperm in Cyprus. It is brought from globally registered sperm banks under suitable conditions. Our centers obtain sperm from the European Spem Bank and Cryos from Denmark, which operate under international rules.

Is sperm donation legal?

Sperm donation is legally regulated in many countries. However, legal regulations may vary from country to country. In Cyprus, in vitro fertilization with sperm donation is possible. It is anonymous by donor and recipient.

How long does sperm donation treatment take?

Sperm donation treatment is carried out over a 3-week period.

What is the cost of sperm donation?

Contact us for sperm donation treatment costs!

Can the sperm donor contact the family?

Sperm donation is legal in Cyprus subject to certain rules. It is completely anonymous to the donor and the recipient family.

Where to get sperm?

Testing donor candidates for genetically transmitted diseases is important to minimize health risks. Our centers obtain sperm from the European Spem Bank and Cryos from Denmark, which operate under international rules.

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