In Vitro Fertilization Center
Micro Tese/Tesa
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What is Micro Tese/Tesa?
These are surgical methods used to solve sperm problems in men. Micro TESE is usually applied to men with no or very few sperm. The surgeon examines the testicular tissue under a microscope to find and remove sperm cells. TESA is a method in which sperm are collected by direct suction from the channels inside the testicle. Micro TESE and TESA are used to treat disorders that cause infertility problems in men. These procedures can be combined with in vitro fertilization or other reproductive technologies to increase couples' chances of having children. Micro TESE/TESA is performed by a specialist urologist. It is usually done under local anesthesia. Risks include infection, bleeding, and damage to testicular tissue. However, when done properly, these methods can increase the chances of obtaining sperm. It may give couples the opportunity to have their own biological child.
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Micro Tese/Tesa is applied to whom?
Azoospermia is the condition where there is no sperm in the semen. Micro TESE and TESA are applied to find sperm in men diagnosed with azoospermia.
Oligozoospermia is a condition in which there are too few sperm in the semen. It is used in men with oligozoospermia to increase sperm count or directly from the testicles.
In cases where sperm quality is low, healthier sperm cells can be taken from the testicles.
Some genetic disorders or congenital abnormalities can affect sperm production. In these cases, surgical methods such as Micro TESE and TESA can be used to obtain sperm.
How to Make Micro Tese/Tesa?
- Local or general anesthesia is usually applied to relax the patient and reduce pain. Necessary hygienic measures are taken to ensure that the surgical team works in a sterile environment.
- The surgeon usually makes a small incision on the scrotum (sacks) to access the testicles. Through this incision, the testicular tissue is accessed and the necessary space is provided for the procedure.
- The surgeon carefully examines the testicular tissue under a microscope. Under the microscope, the channels and tissues where sperm cells are located are determined.
- Under the microscope, the surgeon tries to find the healthiest and most mature sperm cells. In this step, sperm cells are carefully removed from the testicular tissue.
- The extracted sperm samples are sent to the laboratory and analyzed. This analysis helps determine the quality of the sperm cells obtained.
- After the procedure is completed, the incisions are closed with stitches and the patient's healing process begins. The patient is usually allowed to be discharged within a few hours.

How Much Are Micro Tese/Tesa Prices?
Contact us for information about the treatment suitable for you and its cost.

What is the Micro Tese/Tesa Success Rate?
The condition of the applicant patient is the most important factor affecting the success rate. Factors such as the severity of the problem in sperm production, the patient's age and general health condition determine the chance of success.
The quality of sperm cells obtained by micro TESE or TESA significantly affects the success of the treatment. Obtaining quality and healthy sperm cells forms the basis of a successful reproductive technology treatment.
Micro TESE or TESA is often used in combination with in vitro fertilization or other reproductive technologies. Treatment protocol is an important factor affecting the success rate. Improved treatment protocols and techniques may increase the chances of success.
The experience and skills of the specialist who will perform the procedure are a critical factor affecting the success rate. Procedures performed by an experienced and expert surgeon have a higher chance of success.
Frequently asked Questions
What is Micro TESE?
It is a surgical method used to obtain sperm in men who have problems in sperm production. In this procedure, testicular tissue is examined under a microscope and sperm cells are found and removed.
What is TESA?
It is a surgical procedure used to collect sperm cells directly from the sperm ducts in the testicle. The fluid taken from the testicular tissue is isolated by examining it in a laboratory environment.
What is the difference between Micro TESE and TESA?
Micro TESE is the process of finding and removing testicular tissue by examining it under a microscope. TESA is taken by directly sucking the sperm cells from the channels in the testicle. Micro TESE is a more sensitive method. It is generally preferred in men who have no or very few sperm.
Who can undergo Micro TESE or TESA?
It can be used in men who have no sperm in their semen or whose sperm count is very low. It is preferred in men with genetic disorders or who are not suitable for sperm extraction methods.
Is the micro TESE or TESA procedure painful?
Procedures are usually performed under local anesthesia, and most patients experience no pain other than mild discomfort. The fact that the procedures are generally minimally invasive and short-term can speed up the healing process.
Is micro TESE/TESA treatment successful?
Its success varies depending on the patient's condition, the causes of the problem in sperm production, and other factors. However, these procedures may increase the chances of success when combined with in vitro fertilization or other reproductive technologies.