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Intralipid Serum Treatment

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Serum Treatment
What is Serum Treatment?

Why is Intralipid Serum Treatment Performed?

Intralipid serum treatment is a treatment method used during in vitro fertilization treatment, especially to strengthen the immune system. The immune system is of great importance in recurrent in vitro fertilization failures and recurrent miscarriages. Intralipid serum treatment is also a method used for this purpose.

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Intralipid Serum in IVF Treatment

What is Intralipid Serum Treatment?

Intralipid serum treatment is a form of treatment that starts on the day of transfer and can continue throughout the process. Intralipid serum contains fat molecules and soy protein. Thanks to this serum, the immune system is strengthened. The immune system is extremely important for a healthy pregnancy to occur and continue.

Serum Treatment in IVF Treatment
What is the Use of Serum Treatment in IVF Treatment?

To Whom and How is Intralipid Serum Treatment Applied?

Intralipid serum treatment can be defined as a form of treatment aimed at strengthening the immune system, which is generally applied to women who experience recurrent miscarriages and recurrent in vitro fertilization failures. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that intralipid serum treatment does not have any side effects. However, women may be allergic to some substances in intralipid serum, so this should be determined in advance. These items; They are some special ingredients such as glycerin and egg phospholipids.

Intralipid serum treatment is performed with a preparation containing emulsified oil prepared with a special concentration. It is administered by giving oily serums to the patient intravenously. It is a procedure that takes approximately 45 minutes and is applied after the transfer.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the benefit of intralipid serum treatment?

Intralipid serum is an adjunct treatment that aims to strengthen the mother's immune system along with in vitro fertilization treatment.

Is intralipid serum treatment harmful?

It contains fat molecules and soy protein. It can be easily applied to patients who are not allergic to any of the components.

When is intralipid serum treatment applied?

It is a 45-minute procedure performed immediately after embryo transfer and is performed intravenously. If necessary, it can be repeated in the first weeks of pregnancy.

What is the price of intralipid serum treatment?

Contact us for information about intralipid serum.

Serum Treatment frequently asked questions