The Best IVF

In Vitro Fertilization Center

Egg Donation

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Egg Donation
What is egg donation?

What is Egg Donation?

It is the use of eggs taken from a young donor to help women who cannot perform this process with their own eggs. It is performed on women who cannot become pregnant due to early menopause or genetic disease. Egg donation is carried out by transferring the embryos resulting from the fertilization of eggs from the donor with the man's sperm in a laboratory environment to the recipient. In this process, the donor's ovulation process is stimulated with hormone therapy and the matured eggs are collected. The recipient receives medication to prepare the uterus and the donor eggs are fertilized and transferred to the recipient's uterus. This method, which has high success rates, makes many couples' dreams of having children come true.

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Information About Egg Donation

Who Can Benefit from Egg Donation?

  • Women who have entered menopause and whose ovarian reserve has been exhausted, or women up to the age of 55 who have ovarian failure due to various reasons
  • Women who have a serious genetic disease in their family from birth and do not want it to be passed on to their children
  • Women who have tried more than one IVF treatments but have not been successful
  • Women who are older and have poor egg quality

How we Choose an Egg Donor?

Egg donor selection is a process carried out meticulously. It is carried out by taking into account both the health and general condition of the recipient. The main criteria taken into consideration in this process are:

The primary criterion is that the egg donor is healthy. Donors are subjected to detailed health screenings. Genetic diseases, infectious diseases and general health status are evaluated.

The ideal egg donor is generally women between the ages of 21-29. Women in this age group have higher egg quality and fertility rates.

In order to ensure genetic compatibility with the recipient, the donor's genetic history and family health history are examined in detail. These examinations become even more important, especially in families at risk of genetic diseases.

According to the demands of the buyers, the physical characteristics of the donor are also taken into account. Characteristics such as blood type, hair color, eye color, height and weight are selected according to the characteristics of the recipients.

The psychological health of the donor is also important. Psychological evaluations are made to decide whether the donor is mentally ready for this process.

The donor's lifestyle is also taken into consideration. Habits such as smoking, alcohol or drug use are not accepted in the selection.

Donors selected in line with these criteria are determined in the most appropriate way to meet the recipients' demands and health criteria. Egg donor selection is carried out with great care as it directly affects the success of the treatment process. Making the healthiest and most compatible match for both donor and recipient contributes to the positive outcome of the treatment process.

The Best IVF

Tests to be Applied to Egg Donor

  • The donor's general health status is evaluated. Blood tests, urine tests and a physical examination are performed.
  • Hormone levels are measured to evaluate egg reserve and hormonal balance.
  • It is mandatory to be screened for infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and syphilis.
  • Detailed genetic screenings are performed for genetic disease carriers.
  • Psychological status is evaluated. Through psychological tests and interviews, the suitability of the donor's mental and emotional state is determined. 
  • General physical health and the condition of reproductive organs are evaluated. Gynecological examination, ultrasound and other necessary tests are performed.
  • Blood group and Rh factor are determined.
  • It is investigated whether there are genetic diseases, chronic diseases and other health problems in the family.
  • All of these tests and evaluations ensure safety and success for both the egg donor and the recipient.
To whom is egg donation done?

Tests to be Applied to Couples Who Will Receive Eggs

  • The woman's general health condition is evaluated. Blood tests, urine tests and a physical examination are performed.
  • The woman's hormone levels (FSH, LH, AMH, estrogen, progesterone) are measured.
  • Screening is performed for infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and syphilis.
  • The condition of the uterus and ovaries is examined with transvaginal ultrasound.
  • The woman's blood group and Rh factor are determined.
  • The man's general health condition is evaluated. Blood tests, urine tests and a physical examination are performed.
  • The man's sperm quality and number are evaluated.
  • Screening is performed for infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and syphilis.
  • The man's blood type and Rh factor are determined. It is investigated whether there are genetic diseases, chronic diseases and other health problems in the couple's family.

Frequently asked Questions

What is egg donation?

Egg donation is an in vitro fertilization treatment in which a woman donates her eggs, which are reproductive cells, to another couple or person.

Who can consider egg donation?

It is suitable for women who have experienced early menopause or those who are at risk of genetic diseases. Women can benefit from this treatment until the age of 55.

How does egg donation happen?

In our center, eggs obtained from the donor are fertilized with the partner's sperm and embryos are created and transferred to the recipient.

What are the legal regulations regarding egg donation?

Egg donation is subject to legal regulations and may differ from country to country. It is legal in Cyprus within the framework of certain regulations regarding donor and recipient.

What are the success rates of egg donation?

Yumurta donasyonunun başarı oranları, birçok faktöre bağlıdır, ancak genellikle yüksektir. Alıcının  sağlık durumu ve eşinin sperm kalitesi başarı oranlarını etkileyen önemli faktörlerdir. Kullandığımız son teknolojiler sayesinde %90 başarı oranına ulaşıyoruz

What is the price of egg donation?

Contact us for egg donation treatment price information!

Frequently asked questions about egg donation 3